Montreal Events:
Satsang - September 2021
Note: Dates and locations to be announced. Please contact us should you want to be notified when the details become available or if you have any questions or suggestions for the program.
Note: Dates and locations to be announced. Please contact us should you want to be notified when the details become available or if you have any questions or suggestions for the program.
Swami Dharma Sumiran is the Realized Master of Advaita Vedanta tradition, trained by various Indian Masters during the time that he lived in India and Nepal.
After genuinely and passionately searching for the Truth for 16 years, in 2006, he reached the Awakening and, since then, he devoted all his life to bringing the Truth to his Sangha.
Five of his published books dedicated to the Path of Searching for the Truth and Freedom are based on experiences of his own and of other Masters.
He is also a well-known teacher of Chinese WUSHU and a silver medalist of the first WUSHU championship of Russia/USSR in 1990.